NSSA STEM Starter Academy at Mt. Vernon
Partners & Supporters
Meet The Partners & Supporters Whose Generosity Helps Power STEM Education and Resources for Mt. Vernon's Youth
Our Free, Barrier-Breaking STEM Programs Are Made Possible with the Generous Support of Our Partners and Sponsors.

Manhattanville University
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Mercy Univerity has entered a memorandum of understanding with Northeast STEM Starter Academy (NSSA) in Mount Vernon, New York.
The partnership between the two organizations means that NSSA students will benefit from Mercy faculty and volunteers who will teach STEM, specific to science and engineering research, to the students. Additionally, the students will be exposed to a broad range of STEM activities and have more informed options about the benefits of higher education.
The NSSA works in partnership with public school leadership in Mount Vernon to ensure at-risk students have access to state-of-the-art science and technology resources that prepare them for careers as teachers, scientists, computer technologists, doctors and engineers.
Mercy College Provost Jose Herrera said: “I’m excited about the opportunity to partner with an organization that, like Mercy College, is committed to driving meaningful change. I am excited about the mutual impact we can have in the lives of students from Mt. Vernon.”
NSSA Executive Director Gerald D. Dennis said: “As we strive to deliver at-risk, underserved students access to enhanced STEM learning, our partnering with Mercy University adds significant value. In addition to supporting our mission to address the disparity associated with educational outcomes, the relationship will empower our public-school students with a host of experiences that will encourage college enrollment and securing their degrees.”
Among the items settled on in the agreement are:

- The College’s professors and instructors will support NSSA’s programmatic efforts for current students and educations
- The two institutions will work together to create STEM centered programs for grades 2nd -12th
- The NSSA student will be able to participate in various Mercy College STEM activities
Thanks to all our supporters for their continued generosity and encouragement.

“Each of us has the power and capacity to make a difference, whether on the world stage or in our own local communities.”
- Harry Belafonte -
Extended Thanks to Friend and Supporter
Harry Belafonte Joins Effort to Ensure a Bright Future for Mount Vernon Youth
The Board of Directors of the Northeast STEM Starter Academy at Mt Vernon is proud to announce the legendary Harry Belafonte has agreed to support our efforts to create a brighter future for the youth of Mount Vernon. Known globally for his work as a singer, songwriter, and actor, Mr. Belafonte has received three Grammy Awards, an Emmy Award and a Tony Award for his work on stage and in the theatre. As the “King of Calypso”, Belafonte is credited with bringing Caribbean music to worldwide popularity.
In addition to his numerous artistic contributions, Belafonte is a fervent social activist and an important figure in the civil rights movement. Walking closely with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Belafonte helped garner critical support and funding to fuel the civil rights movement in the 1960s. He continues to fight for justice today. Belafonte’s humanitarian work includes supporting the anti-Apartheid movement, combating AIDS in Africa, promoting prostate cancer awareness, and tackling many other difficult and important issues. Belafonte currently serves as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, a position he has held since 1987.
Belafonte has graciously committed to supporting the Northeast STEM Starter Academy at Mt Vernon. He supports the mission to create programs essential to the advancement of at-risk minority populations and the success of our nation as a whole.
“Each of us has the power and capacity to make a difference,” says Belafonte, “whether on the world stage or in our own local communities.” Supporting the children of Mount Vernon is a critical step in supporting at-risk minority youth nationwide. The Board is hopeful others will be inspired by Mr. Belafonte’s example and support the campaign by giving their time, talent, or treasure to the Northeast STEM Starter Academy at Mt Vernon.
Executive Summary
For many reasons, public school children of Mount Vernon are falling behind at an alarming rate. Evidence suggests they are not prepared for participation in our global economy, especially regarding STEM-based subject matter.
The Northeast STEM Starter Academy at Mt Vernon will ensure Mount Vernon public school students have access to state-of-the art science and technology resources that prepare them for careers as teachers, scientists, computer technologists, doctors and engineers. It will produce transformative change for Mount Vernon children as well as cultural and economic change for the city and region.
Read our Executive Summary to learn more about:
- the critical situation in Mount Vernon
- how a technology and science center can be a solution
- how you can help, including naming opportunities for donors