Empower Our Youth. Support STEM Education Today!


Join us in improving the future for our at-risk youth! Your donation will help us provide STEM education to underprivileged students in our community.

Your Donation Today Can Make a Difference for Generations of Mt. Vernon Youth.


The NSSA at Mt. Vernon for Advancement is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization. You can be confident that your contribution will be used in the most effective and efficient way possible. All funds will be consistently audited by an independent major accounting firm and audits made publicly available.

NSSA 501(C)(3) 46-3284375


Our Attorney:

  • Daniel R. Alcott, Esq.
  • Alcott Law Group
  • New York, New York


Our Accountants:

  • Glenn N. Deans, CPA / Partner
  • Deans – Archer & Company
  • Valley Stream, New York
  • Maier Markey & Justic, LLP
  • White Plains, New York


Other Ways to Help

There are Many Ways to Support NSSA

If you’ve been thinking that it’s time somebody did something to improve the future for our at-risk youth, now is your chance to act. There are many ways you can support this important project:

Thank you for considering this vital role in our movement to change the future for the many children of Mount Vernon’s public school population and beyond. We look forward to working with you with passion and urgency to make this dream a reality.

When our kids do better, we all do better!


Work at the center or serve on a board.

We have many volunteer roles to fill – instructor, administrative, marketing, Board, – the list goes on.

Many hands make light work.

Sponsor An Exhibit or Program

Corporations and individuals can sponsor an exhibit to showcase the technology and/or science associated with their interest, product or brand., or sponsor an educational program by lending financial support or personnel.

Looking Forward

The Center: Together We Can Change the Trajectory for an Entire Community.

We Have the Vision.

Help Us Make It a Reality.

Research indicates that technology and science centers have a positive educational impact on the children of the community and the community in general. Additionally, they can improve the economics and culture of the community and the surrounding communities. The NSSA at Mt. Vernon will offer a host of interactive exhibits, a planetarium, various laboratories, and a broad range of student-based programs directly aligned with the Board of Education curriculum, internships, and other opportunities to prepare youth for four-year colleges and meaningful careers.

This hands-on educational resource will reflect the NSSA’s commitment to and support of the community. The center will feature a broad collection of interactive technology and science exhibits, many of which are aligned with and made possible through the support and guidance of local and national corporate partnerships.

The center will partner with public school leadership to ensure that at-risk students have access to state-of-the-art science and technology resources that prepare them for careers as teachers, scientists, computer technologists, doctors, and engineers.

Funding: All capital to fund the construction is audited by an independent major accounting firm, and audits are made publicly available. The initial fundraising goal is $5 million.

NSSA In The Media

Make an Impact

Without the generous support of our partners and donors we would not be able to offer these impactful programs. Please consider contributing. No gift or effort is too small. 

Help us empower underprivileged students through engaging STEM programs and opportunities. Donate, Volunteer with us or join our Friends of NSSA list.
